


Thinking with our brain

Paolo | October 26, 2023

            Remember two things about every person, place, or thing.  The frontal cortex and cerebrium provide a work place for judgement and movement.  To be creative and to move around may be the founding principles of a hospitality setting, although, studying at rest advances the guilt of exit.  Entrez Vous, in French.  The people enter and sometimes exit – the gallery, the restaurant, or the local fast food chain.  All of those places carry within them some sort of interior design and information connected to our brains preferences and habits.

            The first 25 years of our life we are physically changing – height, weight, and the length of our bones.  Sitting in a restaurant aimlessly viewing menus and napkins wrapped in silverware, simple options come to mind.  Why is that we become so critical about possibility and the unknown world?  I believe that tendency lies is truth.  There is a point to everything sharp and a sense of repetition to all study, I am the most interesting man in the world.

            With ornament or decadence our knowledge and speech becomes vulnerable and embarrassed.  Yes, yes –  the parents formulate this response while feeding you hot chicken mc nuggets equipped with a lifetime supply of toilet paper.  That costs five dollars.  Are you qualified?  Do you have a degree in college?  That split second I come to a conclusion.  As white kids meander the quad and library, they gesture at the teacher and dancer whose curiosity and intellect manicures closer to the curb.

Written by Paolo

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. The Bunker Mix Track 1
    Dj Gimme

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. The Bunker Mix Track 2
    DJ Bandit

  • cover play_circle_filled

    03. The Bunker Mix Track 3
    DJ Rockyrock

  • cover play_circle_filled

    04. The Bunker Mix Track 4
    DJ Ports

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